Three ways to become a BOLDLY different store worth visiting in person.
Our mobile devices have made it super easy to make purchases without leaving our homes. That’s why creating a memorable customer experience is a critical factor in becoming a successful brick and mortar retailer.
1) Demand Attention with a Striking Storefront

Wow with avant-garde. Be the contrast on your street. Be memorable. Give people a desire to post pictures on their social media. This doesn’t have to break the budget. There are more affordable materials (i.e.: vinyl, paint, concrete sheets) that can be manipulated in creative ways.
2) Offer a Unique, Immersive Interior Concept with a Social Component

Just because you sell tech, doesn’t mean your sales floor has to look flat, sleek and clean. Maybe you have a gaming concept, like the one above, that encourages customers to get lost in a game for a while.
Offer a multi-sensory experience and temporarily transform a part of your store into a wellness lounge. Incorporate large and small-scale features representative of a healing environment – crystals, salt lamps, water fountains, soothing music, relaxing aromas. Cultivate a sense of serenity from door to transaction counter.
3) Step Outside of the Box with Unusual Merchandise Display Concepts

Instead of putting your merchandise on a standard display fixture, allow your display to create a mood or feeling, and to tell a story.
Show you’re aware and active in the fight for a sustainable future by creating and placing unique art displays made of recycled material, throughout your store. Plastic bags, aluminum, paper – Show your guests the beauty of reuse.
In summary, consider designing your space and offering a service that feels less like traditional shopping and more like a new and exciting experience. Get your customers talking and sharing!
Need more ideas? Let our award-winning team assist!