Visual Merchandising comes in all shapes and sizes. No matter how small, or temporary, a well displayed collection of merchandise is imperative to capturing the customer’s attention and motivating him/her to purchase.
Recently, Retailworks has been working with Mayfair Mall in Wauwatosa, WI, to assist the temporary Pop-Up tenants set up their wares over 3-day weekends. Our display artists give them tips and tricks on how to showcase their merchandise in the most appealing light. Simple suggestions like using risers or plate stands to give products height, creating color stories and collections for a more cohesive look, and installing proper signage to illustrate the features and benefits of the products, all go a long way in making a strong visual statement.

Our recommendations can apply to many different product presentations. Most of the temporary Pop-Up fixture units include an A frame gondola. The rod is perfect for hanging apparel, and there is an extension on each end of the fixture to feature an outfit or key piece. When shelving is needed, varying heights of products is key to creating a visually attractive display. Create tiers of merchandise by stacking product lines, and use plate stands (easels) to prop up and face forward ordinarily flat goods. If a customer can only see your product by standing directly in front of the fixture and looking down at it, you are losing sales. The merchandise must catch the eye of shoppers up to 30 feet away!
Be aware of the quantity of merchandise you have to offer. With too little inventory, it may look like you are not in business, whereas too much can look chaotic and messy. Keep collections coordinated by brand or color or function. Tidiness and cleanliness are also very important. If you make a good impression with your displays, it shows shoppers you are a professional retailer and are serious about your business.
Never underestimate the power of a visually pleasing display!