Five tips on the fifth of each month: What five things can you do in one month to make a difference on your selling floor?

  1. Count the number of signs on your selling floor. How many are really necessary?
  2. Create sign categories, ie: brand (logo), department, product description, promotional, sale, directional.
  3. Create sign design guidelines for each category so font, color, size, and sign holder remain consistent within each category, so a “family of signs”  are established in the selling environment. 
  4. Determine which of the signs currently on your floor fall into the above noted categories, and remove those that don’t (or make a new category!)
  5. Determine if they follow the design guidelines, and if they don’t, remake them.

At the end of the month, stand back and watch the signs direct traffic and sell your merchandise!

For help with a sign audit, the development of sign categories or sign design guidelines, send me an email:

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